Thursday, October 11, 2007

ruminating on these words

"The first thing a Christian is emancipated from is the tyranny of moods and the tyranny of feeling he is not understood. These are the most fruitful sources of misery. Half the misery in the world comes because one person demands of another a complete understanding, which is absolutely impossible. The only Being Who understands us is the Being Who made us."
-- Anonymous

Conversation between child Lucy and Aslan the lion in Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis:

"Aslan, you're bigger," Lucy said.
"That is because you're older, little one," answered he.
"Not because you are?"
"I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger."


tubetone said...

Beautiful words -- ones that I needed to read right now. Thanks. :o)

JENN said...

Those are great quotes, Boo :)
I'm obviously a huge C.S. Lewis fan, but I love how his metaphors stick with you so much more because he's using a lion and a little girl.

Larissa said...

Hey! Answer to your question: yes I love cooking. It is relaxing "me" time, where I get to do something simple, purely for my own enjoyment. I only have certain days when I have enough time to cook, like most Saturday mornings. That's when I flip though cookbooks, and find something fun to try out.