Monday, August 20, 2007

a story resurrected

Remember a while back I wrote about a horrible day in May -- "a story killed, a wet purse and an ugly dent in my car"?

Well, that story got resurrected this week and the response has been better than expected. LA Observed, a blog run by a group of renown journalists, picked up my story today about Koreatown banks here in LA. The excerpt is called, "Wall Street turns on Korean banks."

The story can also be found on It's the top story on the right -- "Korean Banks Taking a Hard Hit." If you're visiting this blog after Aug. 26, you have to pay to read it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a pain. But that's the only way I get paid. I'd be happy to zap you a copy so let me know.

So the story has been revived to a better state, the purse has survived with a little sag, the only thing left... a new car?

1 comment:

Keyframegirl said...

WOW, congrats!! That's big.

And well deserved!!